Payment policy

Payment Methods

Currency: We accept payments in VND or USD, depending on the customer’s choice.

Payment Methods: Customers can pay for services using the following methods:

  • Bank Transfer: Account details will be provided after the customer completes the service order.
  • Domestic and International E-Wallets: We support payments via popular e-wallets in Vietnam such as Momo, Zalo Pay, Viettel Pay, and international e-wallets such as PingPong, LianLian, PayPal, etc.
  • Cryptocurrency (Crypto): We accept payment in certain cryptocurrencies during specific periods. For more details, please contact us directly if you wish to pay via Crypto.

Payment Terms

Payment deadlines will be flexible depending on the type of service but are generally either Prepayment or Contract Payment. Customers need to make prepayment before the service is performed or pay according to the stages agreed upon and specified in the contract.

Post-Payment: For some specific services such as payment gateway rental, we use a post-payment method. Customers can use the service first and pay later, with the service fee based on a percentage of revenue agreed upon by both parties. In addition to complying with the separate Terms for post-payment services, all services using this method must also adhere to our General Payment Terms.

Late Payment Policy

If payment is not made on time, customers will incur a late payment fee of 0.5% of the total overdue amount per day of delay.

If payment is delayed for more than 15 days, the customer’s service may be suspended until the debt is fully paid.

Customers may lose access to the service if payment is not made within 30 days from the due date. We are not responsible for any damages in this case.

Refund Policy

Service Fees: Service fees are non-refundable except in cases where the fault lies with us.

Service Cancellation: If the customer cancels the service before the contract expires, we do not refund any fees paid in advance.

Taxes, Invoices, and Documentation

The service price does not include 10% VAT. An invoice will be issued after the customer completes the full payment including the 10% VAT.

Electronic invoices will be sent to the email address provided by the customer.

Support Contact

For any payment-related queries, please contact:

Email: [email protected]